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Travel or Settle Down?

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Are you trying to decide whether to travel or settle down? If so, keep reading while we make the case for both and hopefully help you decide what is right for you. 

Why you should travel


 Many people will tell you that travel is the best education, and it is! In fact, there are so many benefits to travelling that make us say “Wow! Okay, where to next!?”. Not only does travelling make you a happier, more fulfilled person, but it also provides something else just as important… home appreciation. Wherever you travel you get to see how others live and survive and that in itself shows life in a new light. For these reasons, you end up really appreciating what you have in your own life. That being said, travelling before settling down can ultimately lead to a better quality of life when you’re ready for stability. Last but not least, we should all go through life knowing we really experienced it.

Why you should settle down

 On the other side, there are legitimate reasons as to why settling down is a viable option. Especially when we consider travel vs buying a house or travel vs career. As well as the huge life path of starting a family. Moreover, you may have already laid the groundwork for these paths and travelling now would disrupt or halt those choices. Or your bucket list is finished and settling down is the last thing on your list (but if you are reading this then travel is clearly on your mind). That being said, you should do what feels right, and not what others expect of you or say what is or isn’t right. Conversely, if you’re worried about the negatives of travel, know that the positives always outweigh the negatives.

How to decide

 Still wondering if you should travel or settle down? Well, all you need to do is ask yourself what is most important to you right now. Do not forget that life is not set in stone! Also, will you be okay with the decision you made, without regret? At the end of the day, it’s your life and that is enough reason to make the decisions you want to make. So, travel or settle down? We say travel, but more importantly, do what will make you happy.

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