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11 most interesting facts about Paris

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Paris, the most popular French destination because of its charm and allure. In addition to the delicious cuisine and impressive attractions. Subsequently, the city of lights and love offers much to learn and discover. For this reason, we have put together a list of the 11 most interesting facts about Paris!


Notre Dame is the most visited site

 This may be a surprise, but Notre Dame is by far the most visited attraction in Paris. Indeed, more people visit the incredible cathedral than the Eiffel Tower! Nevertheless, make sure to see both during your travels to the capital.


Disneyland comes in second!

Disneyland, Paris

 Disneyland Comes in second place of most visited attractions in Paris. According to recent statistics, the amusement park welcomes 12 million people each year. Whereas only 7 million visit the Eiffel Tower. Note that Notre Dame welcomes 13 million annually. 


Real French baguettes are under law


 You must try an authentic French baguette in Paris during your visit! However, did you know that the French baguette is only considered traditional under the French bread law? Furthermore, the law requires each baguette be sold on the same premises made and the recipe can only contain 4 ingredients: wheat flour, water, salt, and yeast.


Women can now wear trousers!

 After 214 years, women are finally allowed to wear pants in Paris! In this case, women in the French capital could not to wear trousers from 1799 until 2013. Undoubtedly, some laws around the world are quite unusual.


Spain refused the Eiffel Tower

 Can you imagine the French capital without the striking Eiffel Tower? Once upon a time Gustave Eiffel offered the design of the Eiffel tower to Spain, who in turn refused. Additionally, many Parisians did not want or like the tower either.


The first photo captured with people


 The above photo taken by Pierre Daguerre is widely accepted as the first photograph taken with people. Particularly, a man getting his shoes shined on Boulevard du Temple. Not only is this one of the most interesting facts about Paris, but also very historic!


The most popular artwork in the world: Mona Lisa

mona lisa

 This interesting fact about Paris might be obvious, yet still fascinating. Especially considering the many famous masterpieces around the world. Despite that, Leonardo da Vinci’s the Mona Lisa is the most viewed artwork in the world. Consequently, each year millions come to look into the eyes of the mysterious woman.


Selling night time photos of the Eiffel Tower is illegal

 Why? In this case, the brightly shining light display on the Eiffel Tower by artist Pierre Bideau is in fact copyright material. With this in mind, you can take photos for social media, just do not sell them.


Paris and Rome are sister cities

 Rome and Paris are well connected, as they are arguably the top cities in Europe. In fact, they are sister cities. Note that sister cities are two localities that form a social agreement for cultural purposes. Interestingly, Rome is the only sister city of Paris. Contrary to most cities that form ties with a number of other cities around the world.


Nicolas Flamel lived in Paris


 Next on this list may be of interest to Harry Potter or alchemy lovers. That said, Nicolas Flamel was a French scribe and alchemist believed to have found the Philosopher’s Stone. Even if just legend, there is in fact a museum dedicated to his work in his former home.


Many luxury brands started in Paris

paris interesting facts

 France’s capital is widely known as being the centre of the fashion industry. Of course, thanks to the many high-end brands founded in Paris, it is no doubt why. For instance, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Louboutin, Dior, and Cartier began in Paris, amongst other well-known brands!

 Want more Paris travel inspiration? In that case, head to our Paris Travel Guide for more on the famous capital.

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