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Money Saving Tips

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The biggest worry that comes with planning a vacation is wondering if you have enough money for your ideal trip. Additionally, the amount you have set aside for your trip will determine where you go and for how long. This is why we have put together the top 25 Money Saving Tips that will help you plan your dream trip! Undoubtedly, these tips will also help you save money in your everyday life, whether you want to spend your extra cash on a trip, your home, or yourself.


Make a budget

money saving tips - budget

 Making a budget is easily the best way to become more aware of your finances. As well as learning about your spending habits and seeing what changes you should make to reach your goals. With this in mind, create a monthly budget that follows your goals and plans for the next 6 months to a year. Ultimately this will help you make the necessary changes to save more money.


Track your spending

money saving tips

 Keep track of your daily purchases that work towards achieving your bucket list goals. Not only is this how to manage your budget properly, but of all the money saving tips on this list, this one is crucial for your savings. Consequently, you will begin to ask yourself whether your next purchase is necessary, or something that could be cut from your spending. 


Automatically transfer funds to savings

 After you have outlined your budget and begun tracking your spending, you might see that you have extra cash to store away. Subsequently, the next step is to set up automatic payments to your savings account on a monthly or weekly basis. Even if the amount is as low as 5 or 10 dollars, every little bit counts for you to get to your bucket list goals!


Cut coupons

money saving tips

 Coupons are widely available at many businesses, take advantage of the ones that are offered at the stores you regularly shop at. Also, be sure to take note of future offers to plan your spending around each week. It may seem a bit frugal, but just think of the extra few dollars that will instead be used for new and fun experiences.


Take advantage of loyalty programs

 The next time your cashier asks you to become a member of their loyalty program, say yes! If they offer savings and promotions and you already shop there, it makes perfect sense to join. As stated before, any extra savings that you can find within your regular purchases is going to help you in the long run. Besides, most businesses have an app that you can use instead of having to carry around an extra card.


Switch your credit/debit cards

credit cards

 This money saving tip is one that can help you rack up points, savings, and money without you having to think about it. The next time you are at the bank, ask about what kind of debit and credit cards offer a rewards system. In this case, you might have an opportunity to earn cash back or travel points on all your future purchases. Travel sooner? Yes please!


Cancel subscriptions

 Many of us have monthly billed accounts such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney +, etc. While these subscriptions might be small amounts, they surely do add up. That being said, think about all the subscriptions you have and consider cancelling them if they are rarely used. Or worse, if they do not help you achieve your future goals.


Meal plan and prep

 Planning out your meals at the beginning of the week is a great way to help lower costs and time. Plus, it gives you a much lower chance of opting for take-out food when you do not want to cook. With this in mind, work out a solid meal plan to prep during a day that you have the least commitments. Moreover, now you will have the time to focus on other aspects of your life during the week. In addition to saving you from over-spending at the grocery store. Thus making smarter choices towards your overall health and diet. 


Only drink water


 Only drinking water is one of the easiest ways to reach your goals. Instead of juice, soda, and sugary drinks, save your money and live cleaner by pouring yourself a glass of water. Honestly, it might bore your tastebuds but you will be hydrated. As well as have more energy, aid in digestion, flush out bacteria from your bladder, and be healthier. At this point, you should only want to drink water!


Make your coffee or tea at home

 Of all the money saving tips on this list, #10 might not be favoured. Especially if you are used to your morning coffee or tea. That being said, rather than spending your money on an over-priced caffeine boost, make your own coffee/tea at home. Surely, a 70% savings is better than no savings. Furthermore, there is evidence out there that mentions health benefits to drinking coffee and tea, unlike with sodas and juices.


Buy store brands instead of name brands

 In many cases, the store brand products are often cheaper than the name brands. So the next time you are shopping, compare the prices of the store brand and brand name items. Also, a lot of the time the store brand is just as good as the name brand. Therefore, save a bit of money on your receipt every time you shop. Talk about a great money saving hack!


Browse the dollar store

save money

 This option seems to become more and more attractive every year. Have you noticed that dollar stores have been adding more items for your household needs? Not only are they significantly less expensive, but it is also more convenient to find everything you need in one place. For this reason, you should head to your local dollar store first before anywhere else, there is a good chance that you will find most of what you need, and at a low cost.


Buy used not new

 Whether it be clothes, appliances or vehicles, used items and products will no doubt save you some extra cash. Additionally, when shopping at used dealerships or garage sales, the products sold are usually still in good condition. And not that it matters, but vintage is trendy!


Buy in bulk

 This money saving hack is definitely worth it in the long run. In many cases, buying more will actually lead to more savings! This is something to consider for all the goods that you use daily, like toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent, body wash, and everything else that is a necessity in your home.


Stop going out


 Going out to restaurants, bars, and shows are in fact fun, but they are also draining on your wallet. Consider your next outing to be a treat, and try to limit yourself to once a month. Of course there will always be new shows, and delicious restaurants that you can enjoy no matter when. Furthermore, think about all the new exciting restaurants and activities you will experience in other cities around the world!


Drop change into a piggy bank

piggy bank

 If you have a piggy bank, or even just a mason jar or container, keep it out in the open. That way, whenever you pick up your wallet, you can drop all your change inside and watch your travel fund grow. Moreover, it will also continuously remind you of your money saving goals each time you walk past it.


Save money by reducing your utilities

 There are tons of ways that can help you lower your utility bills every month and get you even closer to your next adventure! Check out our easy and efficient money saving hacks:

  • Take shorter showers 
  •  Use natural lighting
  • Turn off the A/C and heat when you are not home
  • Turn off the water when shaving or brushing teeth
  • Wash laundry in cold water
  • Hang-dry clothes
  • Unplug appliances that are not being used


Get a part-time job

 Getting a part-time job or side hustle does not just mean being a server at your local restaurant. If you have a hobby or passion that you can monetize, that is a great way to earn extra money by doing something you love. Another option is to consider getting paid for online surveys, or doing small jobs through paid apps.


Carpool or Walk

green light

 Carpooling with friends and co-workers is not only helping you save money, but also helping save the environment! In addition, walking is an even better way to go – think of your health! Even just a 20 minute walk a day can help you live a longer life. So from here on out if you are close enough to your destination, make the time and just walk.


Buy an eco-friendly vehicle

 If you own a car or need a car to get you to and from work, consider buying a car that is environmentally friendly. Many vehicles are not good for the planet, so do the extra research when finding a good mode of transportation. In the long run, you will lower your fuel costs, lower your insurance rates, and have the satisfaction of going green. Or even better, bike to work!


Sell your stuff

 Get rid of all of your unused possessions that will be of better use to someone else. Besides, living a minimal lifestyle is the key to a clear and healthy mind. Yes, de-cluttering will bring in some extra cash, but more importantly, it will give you some peace of mind. Additionally, it gives you the ability to quickly pack up and go travel the world with ease.


Cut unnecessary spending

 After you start tracking your spending, you might find small expenses here and there that are not inline with your money saving goals. Including that soft pretzel at the mall, the extra haircut that you did not need between cuts, or whatever impulse buy that catches your eye at the check-out counter. Once you start paying attention to your finances, you will have a better understanding of what should be cut from your monthly budget.


Embrace DIY

 Before you call a repairman or pay for a service that does not require a ton of knowledge and experience, consider doing it yourself! Not only will you save money, but you will also learn a new skill. You may even find a new hobby and side hustle that could help bring in more money for your future.


Grow your own food

Money saving tips

 This new project is becoming more and more popular each year. Think about how awesome and satisfying it would be cook with your own home-grown products. With this in mind, you can grow herbs and vegetables like green beans, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, basil, and more.


Save Money by Cutting Bad Habits

 To conclude our money saving tips list we highly recommend cutting out bad habits like smoking and drinking. Without a doubt these habits can be pricey and detrimental to your health. While it could be difficult to cut out these habits, think about what your health and your wallet will look like if you do.

Thanks for reading! We hope these tips help you become closer to your bucket list goals, feel free to share any other money saving hacks you use in your life! Additionally, be sure to check out the pre-travel checklist for when you are ready to see the world!

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