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How to tour your own city

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As it turns out, taking a trip is easier than you think! Without a doubt, many of us take for granted what we have around us, including the city we live in. But when you think about it, there are tons of people who leave their city just to visit yours! That being said, exploring your own city can bring just as much joy as taking a trip half way around the world. Find out how to tour your own city and discover new adventures just outside your door.


Experience your cities top attractions

spanish steps, rome

 First on this list is all about your cities attractions and sights. What places would the tourists head to first? Choose one or two attractions that interest you the most and go experience them for yourself. Not only will you get to spend a day as you would on vacation, but you will also appreciate what makes your city so unique.


Eat somewhere new

Beef in cream sauce

 No matter where you are, there are restaurants, and there are probably a few that you have not been to. Take this opportunity to let your tastebuds discover new flavours. As a result, you may just find your new go-to restaurant! Or you will at least have a new experience to remember. Either way, experiences are one of the great things life has to offer.


Cross off a bucket list item

 Most cities have bucket list activities that many people would love to cross off their list. For example helicopter rides, skydiving, sailboating, or meeting a new animal for instance. If there is an activity you have always wanted to do, now is the time. On the other hand, maybe your bucket list is all about the simple things in life like helping someone in need, writing to a pen pal, or kissing in the rain. Nonetheless, both types of bucket list goals can be achieved from your home destination. If you can accomplish them then you know that you can achieve your goals no matter when and where.


Stay in a hotel


 Before you dismiss the idea of staying in a hotel close to your home, let us tell you why it is actually a fantastic idea. First, it is difficult to relax in your own home when there is so much to do. From the dishes, laundry, bills, and everything else that requires immediate attention. Whereas a hotel provides you with your own personal sanctuary to not think about anything but relaxation. Which brings us to the hotel spas; a massage, facial, steam room, or just floating in a pool can give you an instant happiness boost. Finally, staying in a hotel reminds us that it is okay to relax and not worry about life and work for a moment. With this in mind, there is no better place to sit back and lounge around in than a hotel. No matter where that hotel is.


Go to an event

 As events pop up around you, consider going someplace where you will meet and talk to like-minded people. Whether you like to see a live band, go to a book reading, or taste your way through a food festival, an event is one of the reasons people often go travel. No matter what the event is, you will definitely meet someone new and enjoy a few hours away from home. 

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See the sunrise or sunset

 Unquestionably, the most beautiful time of the day is at sunrise and sunset, no matter where you are. That being said, find a spot somewhere in your city that will give you the best view and watch the beauty that will befall over the place you call home. This experience will make you appreciate life as it is and give you the ultimate vacation vibes.


Learn the history


 What better way to get to know any destination than by learning some of its greatest moments in history. A quick google search will lead you to lessons, videos and more of your city throughout time. Undoubtedly, you will come across new information that you might not have ever known! Also, be sure to check our destinations for brief histories with a timeline of major events and fun facts about each city. If your city is not there yet, we are working on adding it soon! 




 When was the last time you took a day to not think and just wander? The best part about strolling through town is finding new places, hidden gems and small surprises along the way. With this in mind, get out the door and wander your city as a tourist. Consequently, taking in your surroundings will show you a new side to your city that you have not seen before. As a result, you will know how to tour your own city in one of the best ways possible.


Get a souvenir

 You might be thinking a souvenir? From my city? Well a souvenir can be more than just a fridge magnet or keychain. In fact, finding something for your home, office, or yourself will still spark joy and remind you of your travel inspired adventures. That being said, we recommend finding an item that is locally made. That way you are supporting local businesses and appreciating what your home city has to offer.


Take a picture

 Since the inventions of cameras, we have been capturing moments of our lives that become fond memories. In this case, capture the moment you travelled to your own city. Whether it be a picture of you in front of a monument or a beautiful landscape shot to frame, capture your travels! Besides, there is nothing that shows how to tour your own city better than by snapping your travels.

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