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The Minimalist Packing Guide

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The best way to make life easy while travelling is to pack light! That being said, no matter where you go or how frequent you travel, a relaxed trip starts with easy-to-carry baggage. As well as packing tips and travel hacks for the ideal trip. With this in mind, the minimalist packing guide will show you how to pack light for your travels. In addition to providing the ultimate packing list for convenient travelling (ps. there is only 40 items)!



 First and foremost, the most important item(s): luggage. In order to keep things compact, you will need a small size suitcase or bag, and a small personal item. For example, a knapsack or purse. 

Travel Tip: If you are flying, keep these dimensions in mind if you want to forgo any checked baggage.
Carry-on: 21.5″ x 15.3″ x 8.8″ (54.6cm x 38.8cm x 22.3cm)
Personal item: 18.4″ x 11.6″ x 7.6″ (46.7cm x 29.4cm x 19.3cm)
If you are within these parameters, you will not be charged for oversized luggage on any flight worldwide.

Packing Tip: Throw in a dryer sheet or two into each luggage item to keep everything smelling fresh.


Passport & ID's

 When packing for your trip, these are the items you do not want to forget or lose. Moreover, they will be the most important items needed if anything happens (other than money). That being said, keep your passport and ID’s in an easily accessible spot to grab quickly. That way, you avoid having to rummage through your stuff at important moments.



 Which brings us to the next important item, a wallet to keep your ID and money together. Just like your passport, your wallet should be stored in the best place for you to reach. 

Travel Tip: Empty out your wallet and only keep necessary items.


Pen & Notebook

 At minimum, keeping a pen on you is useful while travelling. Thus, the notebook may not be a necessity if you do not normally write things down or journal your travels. Additionally, you might already have a notepad app in your phone!


Water Bottle

water bottle

 A portable water bottle is always a good idea to have. Furthermore, you never know if you might end up going hours without eating or drinking. On the other hand, you might have a random coughing fit on a train or bus. Not only will you be glad to have that water, but a portable bottle is also eco-friendly!

Travel Tip: Do not fill up your water bottle fully. Without a doubt you probably will not finish it. Besides, you can refill it in many places and you do not want the extra weight.



 The most useful item on this list frequently becomes the most forgotten. Of course you are going to forget the one thing that takes you away from living in the moment! That being said, do not forget your phone wherever you go.


Chargers & Adapters

 Make sure to bring chargers for all devices you plan on bringing, and the appropriate adapter if you are travelling abroad. Also, this includes portable chargers, which are incredibly helpful when travelling. Undoubtedly, you will spend a few hours away from your accommodation each day, and taking pictures on your phone will drain the battery. Note that this is where portable chargers come in handy!

Travel Tip: Buy a portable charger with at least 5000 mAh. For iPhone users, that is about 2 full charges of power.



 Headphones or earphones are great if you love music and need to kill some time. In addition to walking around a new city with background music. Moreover, many people love using headphones that also have a noise cancelling feature.



 If you are a professional photographer or hobbyist, you may have an additional camera that will come with you on your travels. Therefore, the most important tip is the lighter, the better. Not only will it take up less room, but it will also take up less weight. Undoubtedly, that is the ultimate goal when attempting a minimalist approach to packing.


Disinfecting Wipes & Tissues

 These small yet easy-to-fit items are essential for emergencies and hygiene reasons. As a rule, make sure to pack them for those “I’m so glad I have these” moments.


Light Coat

 When it comes to a coat, a good rule of thumb is to keep it light so it is easily packable. Indeed, to stay warm, layers are key. As a result, you have the option of removing items without drastic body temperature changes. 

Packing Tip: Also, bring a very light raincoat to conveniently pack or wear underneath your primary coat.


Comfy Shoes

 Depending on where you go, what activities you do, or how long you are away, you may only need 1 pair of shoes. Thus this one pair should be comfortable and versatile. Personally, I always buy a new pair of my favourite casual shoes so I always look put together. Additionally, a pair of nice sandals are good for warm destinations or for around your accommodation.

Packing Tip: If you are packing a pair of already used shoes, use shower caps to cover the bottom and properly store them in your luggage.


Four Tops

Depending on your style, it is best to bring 4 tops you already like wearing. With this in mind, make sure they are not bulky, and at least 2 of them are loose enough to layer over an under shirt. Also, you will want to choose breathable fabrics and colours that go well together.

Packing Tip: Do not bring that fancy shirt you never wear, it is just wasted space.


Two Under Shirts

 Two tank tops or extra light t-shirts will come in handy, and are great for layering. As stated before, stick to the same colour theme in your packed clothing. 

Packing Tip: Roll your clothes for optimal packing. 



Three Bottoms

 For bottoms, it is good to check the weather of your destination and pack accordingly. Note that jean material will take up twice the space compared to other fabrics. 



 In general, having enough underwear to last during your travels is ideal. That way you can avoid doing laundry. If of course, you are not travelling long-term. 
 For ladies, 2 or 3 bras for a week will do. Note that bras without wires are much easier to fit in your suitcase or bag.



 The same rule with underwear applies here. In addition, ankle socks are better for space, so opt for those if you can.

Packing Tip: If you are packing an extra set of shoes, fill them with your socks to make more space.



 Try to limit pajamas to just the one pair, and make sure they are the lightest fabric you have.



 A bathing suit is optional, depending on if you are going to a beach destination, or a hotel with a swimming pool.



 Opt for a warm scarf instead of a sweater. Moreover, the great thing about a scarf is you have the option of not packing it. Furthermore, you can use it as a pillow or possibly even a blanket.

Under-pack your clothes so you can buy from a local shop and have a memorable souvenir.

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 No matter where you go or what season it is, sunscreen should always be a priority. As we get into toiletries and liquids, keep in mind that you can only bring 100ml bottles on a plane. Of course that is if you are not using a checked bag.


Lip Balm

 In many cases when travelling, the change of climate can affect our skin, especially your lips. With this in mind, keep a lip balm or chapstick on you to avoid dry, chapped, or uncomfortable feeling lips.


Cleanser & Moisturizer

 No matter what, always keep your face clean to feel and look fresh. Additionally, for makeup wearers, find a cleanser that also removes makeup. Thankfully, there are many 2in1 products on the market that can easily remove makeup and cleanse. 


Shampoo & Conditioner

 Be sure to pack travel size hair care products. Also, keep in mind that there are multifunctional hair care products available. Furthermore, if you really want to minimize, and you will be staying in a hotel, just use the shampoo they provide.



toothbrush packing tips

 This item really does not need explaining, but it should be noted that toothbrushes that can fold in half are great for travel packing!


Toothpaste & Dental Floss

Do not forget these items in your toiletry bag. Also, note that toothpaste is considered a liquid and should follow the same 100ml rule when flying. 


Brush or Comb

 If possible, try bringing just a comb as it is much easier store away. 



 If you are flying, switch to powder or solid form deodorant or antiperspirant. Unfortunately, gels and aerosol sprays are considered a liquid and have to be placed in your specific “liquids” bag. Thus, leaving you limited space for other essential liquids. Which by the way, always ends up being more than you think.


Body Cream

 Keep your skin hydrated and healthy looking on vacation. Especially if you are in a beach destination! Furthermore, body cream is useful when your hands get dry from the flight or over-washing and sanitizing. 


Perfume Spray

 Another optional item if you like to wear cologne or perfume. Personally, I love the Travalo refillable atomizer, as I can fill it with my favourite scent to take on trips. Also, it will get you about 25-30 sprays.

When flying, all liquids must be stored in only 1 quart sized plastic bag. (7" x 8")



 This one might be tough for avid makeup wearers depending on how many products you normally use. As a rule, only choose the necessary items. Besides, you can always buy new products at your destination. Additionally, when it comes to brushes and applicators, beauty blenders are great multipurpose tools for creams, liquids, and even powders. That being said, try to limit your makeup brushes down to 3-4 key brushes.


Cotton Swabs

 Luckily, cotton swabs are light and you can get away with bringing a handful. Although we are talking about this in the Minimalist Packing Guide – so just bring the amount you need.


Cotton Pads

 Same goes for cotton pads. Also, when packing for your trip, keeping both cotton swabs and pads in the same bag is helpful.

minimalist packing guide



 Only bring the amount of razors you will need. Without a doubt, this is also one of those items that you can easily find and buy at your destination.


Hair Ties

 Hair ties will come in handy for more than just hair. In fact it is always a good idea to pack a few for just in case scenarios.



 Glasses wearers are going to need to bring their case and possibly contact solution if you prefer contacts. On the other hand, you might just need sunglasses for sunny destinations.



 Hopefully you will not need to use these, but having a few bandaids is certainly convenient when needed. Undoubtedly, being in unfamiliar destinations leaves you more prone to small accidents. 



 This includes any prescriptions you need to take, and/or allergy and pain relievers.


Resealable Plastic Bags

 Always have a few these in your luggage to store items and keep things organized.


Face Masks

 Just in case it is still mandatory to wear masks in public places, be sure to bring a couple masks. Including planes, trains, buses, etc. With this mind, make sure to have more than a few to switch out and replace during your travels.

Collect Moments, Not Things.

Bonus Travel Tips

  • Do not bring a laptop unless absolutely needed.
  • Lay everything out and go over each item, asking how essential it really is.
  • Avoid printing documents such as insurance, reservations, and tickets. In many cases, you have the option of going mobile.
  • Your accommodation will most likely provide body wash, so you do not have to worry about that.
  • If you will be away for more than 2 weeks, you may need to bring nail clippers.
  • Feminine Hygiene Products: If you wear tampons, switch to the compact ones that forgo the use of the plastic applicator.

And there you have it! The Ultimate Minimalist Packing Guide. I hope this helps you pack light and travel easier in the future. Now all you have to do is find your next adventure!

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